Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Fortuna - Fortune
In Roman mythology, Fortuna (equivalent to the Greek goddess Tyche) goddess of fortune, was the personification of luck; hopefully she brought good luck, but she could be represented veiled and blind, as modern depictions of Justice are seen, and came to represent the capriciousness of life. Atrox Fortuna claimed the lives of Augustus' two hopeful grandsons, educated to take up princely roles,[1] for she was also a goddess of fate. Her father was Jupiter, and though she had no lovers or children of her own, Fortuna was propitiated by mothers.
So I should pray to her when I want good luck in my life e.g. when I play bingo online ;)
The Wheel of Fortune, or Rota Fortunae, is a concept in medieval and ancient philosophy referring to the capricious nature of Fate. The wheel belongs to the goddess Fortuna, who spins it at random, changing the positions of those on the wheel - some suffer great misfortune, others gain windfalls. Just like in my favourite online game, in bingo. Like last time when I played at Wink Bingo and were chatting with a good bingo mate... I had bad luck when she had great luck.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
We live in a world where everyone tries to make or control their own luck in some way. Everyone knows that there is much more to the game than only skill… Bingo is a game where you cannot control the outcome… or can you? Most bingo players believe you can.
It’s called bingo luck. Any experienced player would tell you that…
Ever wondered why horoscopes play such an important role in our every day life? There is even weekly bingo horoscope! Or why fortune tellers have such a big clientele? It’s all about luck.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
A Recurring Transit Pattern on Winning Days
I found a great software for telling my lucky days:
A 35-year study of gambling and half that of astrology has revealed that a unique pattern is often present in your planetary transits on winning days, whether in the lottery or at the casino, with Texas Hold 'em Poker, bingo in a bingo hall or online bingo, sports betting, horse-racing or the stock markets.
A transit is an aspect a daily-moving planet makes to one in your birth chart. This particular transit pattern occurs when good transit arcs above a date line 'spill over' a final bad transit below the line. The day after the last bad transit can often be lucky. This software identifies these shapes in your daily transits. All of the planets, not only Jupiter and Venus, have been noted to cause wins.
This software was tested in 2002 on the BBC TV2 show, "Dave Gorman's Important Astrological Experiment". The test was that Dave would act on the advice of several astrologers (mainly from London), while his twin brother (20 minutes younger) would not. They wanted to see who would be better off after a 6-week period. During that time Dave took sports bets on two of the lucky days suggested by the program and won a total of UK 1050 Sterling (about $1600). His twin brother made no extra money during this time. Details of this test can be found on the search engines.
This research has shown that you CAN take advantage of good transits to win money
and also that lucky days can come and go without you even being aware of them.
If, naturally, this is hard to believe, use the free evaluation download to look back at winning or other lucky days in your past and see how it picks many of them out.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Gambling Astrology
Gambling astrology is a methodology to help you determine the best time to take a risk. This doesn't necessarily mean you'll be a winner every time, but you could increase your odds somewhat.
Planetary transits and alignments are key in gambling astrology. This area is ruled by the Fifth House, which is the House of Speculation. Those who look to take risks want to be influenced by this House. Another strong influence are the Fire Signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), as they are quite risk-friendly. If you have the fire element strongly in your chart, you could hold a winning hand. Conversely, the EarthSigns (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are the most risk-averse as they speak to hard work and keeping one's money. Take no chances if these signs are hanging around!
If Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, Luck and Good Fortune, is transiting your Fifth House, it's definitely the time to take a risk. Depending on their alignment, other Planets can exert influences which should be monitored if you are thinking of taking a risk. Mars is the Planet of easy come, easy go, so be prepared if it's in your chart. Saturn won't yield great rewards, but it will allow you to stay in the game for awhile. Where Uranus is concerned, what you should expect is the unexpected. Neptune is associated with wild speculation, while plucky Pluto symbolizes the biggest crapshoot of them all!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Mr Grant
If you want to find out when your lucky day is to play bingo online, or what your lucky number for the week will be, there’s no better person to tell you that than Mr Russell Grant himself. Check out BingoStreet's special Bingo Horoscope and find your lucky bingo days!
Russell Grant is a household name across the UK for his dedicated service in predicting the future for us all. It’s a wonder how he manages to keep up with all the stars. Somehow I feel that he should be a knight, maybe we should start a special online bingo players petition to Her Majesty?
Anyway, they’ve had him on a retainer for ages now at Bingostreet, and every week the wise and gentle Mr Grant reads the stars to find out what the future holds for their online bingo players.
So if you’re wondering whether you should spend a fiver on tickets to the big online bingo game this weekend, have a quick peek at your bingo horoscope first, and find out what your lucky day and lucky number is for this week.
I know for a fact that when I play internet bingo on my lucky days, as per Russell Grant, I do tend to win. Not always I admit, but on the whole these days are more profitable. Which is always a good thing to keep in mind when you play bingo!
So next time you feel a bingo binge coming on, check with Russell first, and he’ll be sure to give you a great tip or two for your online bingo success!